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New Men's President - Gordon Ball

To all Suffolk Bowlers

I would like to take this opportunity to say how privilidged I am to be your President for 2023.

First of all thanks must go to Roundwood B.C. For their support once again whilst I carry out my County duties.

I must also thank our outgoing Chairman, Charlie Sharp, for the excellent job done in 2022 by himself and his wife Sandra. It was an honour to be his Senior Vice President.

Thanks must also go to all Officers of Suffolk County for all the hard work which never ends. By the end of the current season, they were already preparing for the next.

My thanks also go to all Suffolk bowlers for their continuing support in fulfilling County friendlies, Presidents' matches and many more

Finally, I wish each and every bowler, both male and female, good health and success in the season ahead

Gordon Ball

Suffolk Mens President 2023


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