After our great start to the ECL season at Bedfordshire, here is the team selection for our match at County Arts BC against Norfolk...
Adam Turner Mark Wickenden Mark Betts
Jack Burch Ali Leeks Gary Hard
Ben Beamish Danny Twyman George Ward
Andrew Drummond Richard Leeder Charlie Beeton
Stuart Brimelow Nathan Reeder Exec Officer #1 (TBC)
Aiden Riches Jason Smith Exec Officer #2 (TBC)
Phil Page Rob Kerry Adrian Beecroft
Jamie Gill Mark Cole John Rednall
For those of you coming to watch, the start time is 10.30 am and directions can be found here. There may not be a report for this fixture as, due to family commitments I won't be attending. If you are planning to spectate and can write a brief report for the website, please contact Dave Dowman.
Please note, due to the withdrawal of Cambridgeshire from the Eastern Counties League, we only have one home game this season. This is on Saturday 25 May 2024 against Hertfordshire at Hadleigh BC. Our squad really appreciate the support they get so a bumper turnout for this would be fantastic